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We'll post our recent messages here.
A drasha is a message delivered by a teacher or preacher in Yisrael for instruction and exhortation. The prophets were the first to deliver drashot to Yisrael and Yahudah. Ezra delivered more "formal" drashot by simply explaining the Torah for the unlearned.
The drashot are not intended to be detailed expoundings on the Torah but more so words of encouragement, inspiration, general instruction, and sometimes admonishment.

Hear the Word of YAH: The Word of YAHUAH is a message from the Most High YAHUAH to His people. It is given through His set-apart one by His Ruach (Spirit).
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11/11/17 - Parashat Chayei Sarah - "The Servant of YAH"
"Learning the Lessons of History"
11/4/17 - Parashat Vayera- "Obeying YAH"
"Seeing YAH's Greatness"
10/21/17 - Parashat Noach - "Wipe It Away"
"Kindness; Princely Shepherds"
10/14/17 - Parashat Bereshith
"The Four Rivers of the Garden"
8/26/17 "Accept the True Messiah & Be Saved"
7/29/17 Debarim
"YAH Saved"
7/22/17 Rosh Chodesh Message (5th Month)
"The Covenant Pledge"
7/15/17 Parsha Pinchas: What YAH Wants
"Let Your Hearts Be Circumcised"
(plus Word of YAH)
7/8/17 Parsha Balaq: A Nation that Stands Alone
"Return to YAHUAH - Completely"
7/1/17 Parsha Chukat: YAHUAH our Guard
"The Season of His Kindness"
6/24/17 Parsha Qorach: Levites - Servants of Elohim
"Preparing for the Renewed Covenant"
6/17/17 Parsha Shelach: Have Faith on the Journey
"YAH is our Refuge - He WILL Bless Us"
6/10/17 Parsha Beha'alotcha: The Displeasure of YAHUAH
"Mashiach & the Everlasting Covenant"
6/3/17 Parsha Nasso: Offerings to Elohim
"Never Give Up! You're Gonna Make It!"
5/27/17 Shavuot: The Marriage Contract
"Be Numbered Among the Righteous"
5/20/17 Parsha Behar/Bechukotai: His Commands Make Us Better
"The Camp of the Righteous"
w/ Prayer for Forgiveness
5/13/17 Parsha Emor: Our Creator & Sustainer
"Contemplate Your Life"
5/6/17 Counting the Omer: Separating from the Nations
"The Light of Torah"
4/29/17 Parsha Tazria-Metzora "Watch What you Say & Do"
"Get Off the Roman Road"
4/22/17 "The Falsehood of Christianity &
the New Testament"
4/1/17 Parsha Wayyiqra - "Draw Close to YAH"
"Hope to YAHUAH"
2/18/17 "Come Out of Babylon"
2/11/17 "Kingly & Priestly Messiah"
2/4/17 "Strong Hand of YAHUAH"
& A Prayer of Allegiance
1/14/17 "YAH is Great!"
11/12/16 "Trust in YAHUAH - Tehillim/Psalm 91"