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Crossing the Jordan: Our Memorial to the Twelve Tribes of Yisrael

Ruth Dunn


YAH spoke to Yehoshuah (Joshua) and told him to meditate in the Torah, then his way will be a success.  (Jos. 1:1-9)

Crossing the Yarden (Jordan) River brings about major breakthroughs, success in whatever we do, freedom, and great deliverance.  If one was poor before crossing the Jordan River, on the other side he will be wealthy.  One can expect breakthroughs of goodness and kindness from YAH.  

Through the Yarden, humanity meets the Heavenly realm. The spirit of YAH comes hand in hand with His children. YAH opened the Yarden, and His people crossed over.  

A Spiritual Contract

After the feet of the priest came into the water of the Yarden and then out onto dry land, a spiritual contract was initiated.  This contract occurs when we do our part by believing in YAHUAH, lifting Him up to adore His Sovereignty over our lives, and being humble - following His commands and doing His will.  We must love YAH and fear Him always.

After this spiritual contract is made, and we are tried and tested, then we will be accepted. Then, YAH will be a Father to us forever!  He will never leave us nor forsake us.  

Yehoshuah and Caleb passed the test with their belief that YAH is Great enough to deliver them and the Twelve tribes of Yisrael.  They did not waiver nor deviate from the Truth. They believed that YAH was mighty over all and was able to deliver, regardless of what their eyes saw while spying out the land.  Not by sight but by belief in the power of the Almighty above all things. This belief sealed their success and a multitude of blessings from YAH.

After spying out the Promise Land, Caleb and Yehoshuah’s report exalted YAH exceedingly; thus, opening the gate to the Promise Land.  

The Promise to Noah

The priests who bore the Ark of the Covenant went first into the water, and when their feet touched the edge of the water, YAH pushed back the waters all the way to a town called Adam.  So, the Priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant stood on the dry ground in the river while the water was curtained back as long as they stood there. 

What can explain this miraculous event done by YAH?

I believe it goes back to Noah.  Noah built the Ark on account of righteousness. His belief and obedience to YAH gave him great favor.  Noah and his family, along with all the animals YAH commanded to come aboard, entered the Ark. YAH sealed the door shut, and then the waters came and drowned everything. 

They rode upon the waters until YAH dried up the earth, and the Ark rested.  Then, YAH said He will not use waters again to destroy the earth.  He sent a rainbow to remind us of His covenant with Noah. The waters were moved out of the way.  Noah had a new life in YAH and inherited the earth.  

Now, at the time of Yehoshuah, the Priests carried the Ark of the Covenant of Elohim - His laws written on two tablets of stone and the whole Torah that Moses wrote and gave to Yehoshuah.  The Priests bearing this Covenant was a testament - a witness - that whoever crossed over passing by them accepted YAH’s commands, and therefore, they would have a full new life like Noah did when he came out of the Ark. 

The Priests stood still in the midst of the river on dry land while all the people crossed over passing by them.  Therefore, if we are going to cross over to the Promised Land, we must be willing to let the things of this world go. We must dedicate our life to the Torah and believe in the Greatness of YAH to start a new life in Him.

The River Yarden was opened when the Priests who bore the Ark of the Covenant stepped into the waters. The waters were pushed back, and the people walked across dry land in such an event that was beyond the laws of nature, showing YAH’s awesome might and complete control over all things!  

The waters did not cover the people. This leads us to remember YAH’s promise to Noah. He made a Covenant to never destroy man by the waters again, (indicating that the human race or the people will be prolific).  When He opened the Red Sea and brought out His people, the Twelve Tribes of Yisrael, onto dry land, He again established the contract of the Covenant. 

In both instances, belief and obedience to the Law was a requirement of the Covenant. YAH gave His commands to Noah (Ber. 9:1-17), and in the wilderness, after coming through the Red Sea, YAH gave His Laws to Yisrael and for all man to follow. His Laws are the life of man, and when one obeys His Laws and lives by them, then the Covenant is enacted. 

In Yehoshuah, the priests bore the laws in the Ark teaching us that we too must listen to Him to obey His commands. In order to pass over into the Promise Land of life, we must accept and obey the Laws and uphold the Covenant. That is the only way to receive the Promise.

The Memorial

After all of the first generation of Yisrael who had come out of Egypt had died off in the wilderness on account of unbelief, then the children of the first generation prepare to cross over.  While the Priests stood with the Ark in the Jordan River, the Twelve tribes of Yisreal descended into the riverbed and came across on dry land.  

Joshua (Yehoshuah) commanded each of the leaders of the Twelve Tribes of Yisreal to pick up a stone from the Jordan and bring it to the lodging place on the other side.  All twelve leaders did so and stacked them on the other side of the Yarden as a remembrance of the crossing.  They journeyed out of Egypt through the Red Sea and through the Jordan River on to the Promise Land.

 Yehoshuah and his men took twelve stones and stacked them up within the Yarden where the soles of the priests stood holding the Ark of the Covenant until all of Israel passed over. It is a remembrance of the magnificent event forever!  

Yet, another reason was revealed to me.  The stones that were placed in the Yarden by Yehoshuah are for the priests in later years. The stones make a way for later generations to step into the waters by faith. When the priests step out in belief, YAH will cause each stone to come up and create a walkway from the desert to the Promise Land on the other side.  

Yehoshuah set up the stones in the midst of the Yarden to make a way for the righteous to cross over without touching the water.  We cross over walking on the stones of the Twelve Tribes of Yisrael. 

Thus, Yehoshua set up a standard for us to follow.  The Laws of Elohim make the way, parting the waters, and YAH brings us across into the Promise.  Only He knows who is ready to cross over with His Covenant.  

What can be expected once one has crossed the Yarden River?

  • Life Saved

  • New birth & new beginning

  • Inheritance of the Earth

  • Acceptance of prayers

  • Complete peace

  • Breakthroughs 

  • Deliverance

  • Victories

  • Wealth

  • All the Promises of YAH

How to Cross Over

Chosen to Cross

We learned of YAH, and He taught us the Truth.  He chose me and my Family, and He tried and tested us.  Over the last 40 years, we have been through so many trials where our belief had to be strong. Our love for YAH was proven, and we believe in Him.  

If YAH has called us to cross over, then we must be tested. The biggest test we faced was coming out of Egypt.  Egypt is Christianity - Catholicism and all its protestant denominations. Egypt is all of the Roman and Greek practices and beliefs.  

When the time came, we began to come out of Christianity.  I had a dream on January 1, 1990 that revealed to me that Christianity was wrong for me because I was a lost Israelite.  After this was revealed, our journey for the truth took off.  We sought the truth about YAH and the Hebrew people.

We realized that Christianity was wrong, and it was idolatry.  We realized that the promises given to Noah and the promises to Abraham did not match with Christianity.  

We continued in YAH after receiving His Name and kept going until all of Christianity and its practices were removed from our lives.  Our family and followers had to be cleansed from everything that defiles the soul from idolatry.

Then, the whole new testament was removed because it was an added book which was not originally part of the Hebrew Scriptures. We were left with only the Torah and the Tanach. We embraced the belief of the Yahudim (Jews).  

Then, YAH showed me that we represent two groups: the returning ones and Yahudah, the Hebrews. We are a door for both peoples to come into His House, the Jews and gentiles (nations).  

Our Crossing

In a dream, I stood before the Jordan River needing to cross over but not knowing how to swim. Using blind faith and total dependence that YAH would do something to help me cross it, I stepped out. When I put one foot out, the stones in the Jordan came up.  

To my delight, a stone (a river stone) came up under my foot.  I rejoiced and was so happy! I walked across to the other side with each step being upheld by another stone.  We all passed over walking on the stones.

It was a dream, but it told me what YAH will do for us. We all passed over walking on the stones Yehoshuah placed for all people of all times to cross over on.  He set it up for us and for all the leaders after us! HalleluYAH!

The Scriptures say when you see the feet of the Priest bearing the Ark of the Covenant, come to the edge of the water. Follow the Priest!

The Jordan river was pushed back to the city called Adam. This means that the Gate to enter the Promise land was opened. 

Yehoshua’s journey across the Jordan was led by YAH. Therefore, as we follow Yehoshua (Deut. 18:15-22), then all who follow us will also cross over the Jordan into the Promise Land. All who read our testimony, believe in YAH, and remove all idols from their life are a candidate for the crossing.  

Memorial of Our Crossing

On November 15, 2024, we finished our own monument commemorating the Twelve Tribes of Yisrael and our crossing into the Promise Land.  The Leaders of Family of YAHUAH set up a Memorial like Yehoshuah set-up after the crossing of the Jordan (Josh. 3-4).

We did what Yehoshuah said to the Twelve Tribes of Yisrael and placed the stones as a memorial on our land. 

This monument is so that the whole earth will know that the hand of YAH is mighty to save.  Just as He opened the Red Sea so that the people crossed over, so too He opened the Jordan River to bring the people across so that the earth will know the mighty hand of YAHUAH and fear Him.

Oh, how great and mighty is our Father YAHUAH forever!  He is to be feared and praised!  

Our way has become a success because our prayers are accepted and will continue to be accepted.

His hands are open to all who want a great life in Him.  He will save, He will deliver, and He will be our Elohim for life.  



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