In 2007, YAHUAH led us to the city of Las Vegas. We were called to a mission like Yonah (Jonah) of the Scriptures. The difference: we went! As soon as we received instructions from YAH, we embarked on our journey from Summerville, South Carolina to Las Vegas, Nevada.
Our mission was to deliver a warning message to the mayor of the city. The city had become rife with sin, and unless the city repented, destruction would come. YAH wanted us to tell the mayor personally to lead the city to repentance and turn around the culture of sin.
When we met with the mayor, he received our message and understood; however, he stated that there were too many obstacles to calling a citywide repentance. It seemed as if nothing would be done, but we did our part. We obeyed YAH’s instructions and warned the city.
That was in 2007.
Now, just a couple months ago, YAHUAH called us to return to Las Vegas. We weren’t sure of the reason why until we were well on the way. YAH revealed that we were now to proclaim peace to the city of Las Vegas.
It came to our knowledge that although the mayor in 2007 appeared not to heed our words, there had been some changes. The subsequent mayor had initiated regular meetings with faith leaders and congregants from across the city. The numbers attending reached the thousands. In addition, we noticed several ways in which the city had been “cleaned up” since our last trip.
Perhaps…just perhaps…this step in the right direction caused the wrath of Elohim to relent and the compassion of YAH to flow.
Now, in 2022, we returned with a new message: a message of peace. We delivered this message of the peace of Elohim to the current mayor and witnessed showers of rain in a desert city, a sign of His peace flowing to the people.
Peace has come to Las Vegas! The valley has received atonement from YAH, and He has pardoned the city!
The Hymn written below is a tribute to the Valley, the City of Las Vegas.
Let There Be Peace, Peace in the Valley
Peace now has come to the valley. Las Vegas is likened to a valley, a valley of life. Sins fill the valley, but YAH has covered the sins through an atonement for the entire city of Las Vegas. He has relented for now, as only He knows how!
Now there is Peace, Peace in the valley, the valley of life
I say peace to the valley! Let the valley be covered by clouds of righteousness that pour down showers of kindness in the summer that turn the dry valley green with shouts of joy. HalleluYah!
Now there is Peace, Peace in the valley, the valley of life
Rejoice! There is peace now, in the valley of peace. The summer showers have come down on the city, the city of peace. Rejoice in the sweet clean rain that will make the dry now turn to life. Be refreshed!
Now there is Peace, Peace in the valley, the valley of life
No more wars, no more tears, strife, or hate among the people. Therefore, let all the people in the valley now serve the Most High and love your neighbor as you do yourself.
Let Peace reign in your valley, the valley of life

Shalom To You All With Much Love!